Kerala's Best Classroom program for IAS

With 270+ results in the past 10 years iLearnIAS empowers aspiring bureaucrats to excel in public service and contribute to societal development.

From Classroom to Mussoorie: Your Civil Service Journey Simplified

With a decade of expertise, iLearn IAS has cleared the runway for over 270 aspirants to land in Mussoorie. Pioneering innovative flight paths with personalized mentorship and comprehensive programs, iLearn ensures students navigate turbulence, soar to success, and reach their final destination: a prestigious career in civil services.

Browse Our Courses

Prelims Cum Mains Batch (PCM)

Enrolling at iLearn for the PCM batch was one of the best decisions I made for my UPSC preparation. Classes were informative, helping me stay focused throughout. The mentorship provided was really good, guiding me at every step and offering personalized support and strategies.
Annie George, AIR 93 (First Attempt)

Current Affairs & News Analysis (CANA)

iLEARN's CANA revolutionizes UPSC Current Affairs prep with concise, exam-focused insights, helping aspirants map topics from the vast sea of daily events and target their preparation with precision.

Integrated Prelims Test Series

iPts has been really helpful in my prelims preparation. Live PYQ solving sessions and the approach section in the answer keys helped to gain better perspective about the exam

Vineeth Lohidakshan
Mains Test Series (MTS)

iLearn's Mains test series and updation sessions were key factors behind my success. The nitro booster sessions made me tackle the hurdle of time management. The comprehensive coverage of current affairs in the test series gave me immense confidence to face the exam

Ashni A L IAS, (AIR 328, CSE 2022)
Mains Answer Writing Program (MAP)

The Mains Answer Writing Program (MAP 2024) by iLearn IAS is a 5-month intensive course designed to enhance UPSC aspirants’ answer-writing skills. It includes comprehensive syllabus coverage, regular answer writing sessions, 5 full-length tests (including essays), and 18 module tests with timely evaluation and expert mentorship. Available online and offline, this program ensures structured preparation for Mains. Register now!

Interview Guidance program

I took my interview guidance from Shinas sir, starting from the detailed DAF analysis session he did for m e to long sessions on the prevalent current affairs sessions, till boosting my confidence on the last day of the interview, I have got a lot of help from him. It would not have been possible without Garima Lohia IAS for his contribution. I'm really thankful to him and iLearn.

Geography Optional

All thanks to the optional classes from iLearn. With very little background geography optional was one of the most challenging parts of my upsc attempts. The improvements were clearly evident each time, finally helping my dream come true. And special thanks to Nikhil sir, for the guidance and overall support throughout this journey
Alfred OV IAS

Political Science & International Relations (PSIR)

While preparing for PSIR, iLEARN IAS Academy and Shinas Sir provided me with invaluable support. Under Shinas Sir's guidance, I gained a deeper understanding of the subject and felt significantly more confident in handling my optional. iLEARN truly made a difference in my preparation journey.
John Dcoutho AIR 428

Sociology Optional

"I diligently followed the Sociology classes at iLEARN IAS, and the faculty-provided notes became my primary reference, even before consulting standard textbooks. Jishnu Sir's teaching approach starts from the basics, ensuring that even aspirants with no prior knowledge of Sociology can easily understand and master the concepts."
Kajal Raju AIR 910 (First Attempt)

Malayalam Optional

ILEARN ലെ മലയാളം ഓപ്ഷണൽ ക്ലാസുകളാണ് മലയാളത്തിന് ഉയർന്ന മാർക്ക് നേടിയെടുക്കാൻ എന്നെ പ്രാപ്തനാക്കിയതും അതുവഴി 145ാം റാങ്കിലേക്ക് എത്തിച്ചതും. UPSC മാതൃകയിൽ നടത്തിയ ടെസ്റ്റ് സീരീസുകളും, സരിത ടീച്ചെറിൻ്റെയും അരവിന്ദ് സാറിൻ്റെയും വ്യക്തിഗത ഫീഡ്ബാക്കുകളും എൻ്റെ എഴുത്തിൻ്റെ, വിശേഷിച്ചും ഓപ്ഷണൽ പേപ്പർ 2 വിൻ്റെ മൗലികതയെ ഊട്ടിയുറപ്പിക്കാൻ സഹായിച്ചു.


Our Student's Feedback

“I have spent considerable time in iLearn and consider it as a major player in my success story. I have done my geography optional course under Nikhil Sir. I was also been part of GS classes and Current Affairs classes. I have also attended test series for prelims and mains at iLearn.”

"iLearn IAS has been my home for UPSC preparation. The Classroom Program and the Test Series were the anchors for my preparation. The entire team gave me love, support and friendship throughout the uncertain years of preparation."

"iLearn helped me tremendously in getting into the coveted civil services. The class notes I used were comprehensive and analytical. The feedback for the answers i wrote helped me to improve on my content and writing skills”

I am proud to say that iLearn IAS has been the backbone of my success Having attended all their regular programs, I was able to get the right guidance at the right time. My mentors Deepu Sir, Shinas Sir and Sibil Sir made timely course corrections that helped me secure this rank in my very first attempt itself. Thank you iLearn for being my friend, guide and philosopher!

iLearn has been an integral part in my UPSC preparation. From taking PCM classes, Prelims and Mains test series to interview guidance, throughout my preparation journey faculties at iLearn have guided and supported me. I'm greatlyindebted to Shinas sir, Dias sir and TJ sir for their consistent support and guidance through various stages of my preparation. It was their guidance that helped me overcome failure at each point and redirect my efforts to improve in the next attempt. Thanks a lot to the iLearn family for making this success a reality.

"I started my UPSC journey along with iLearn IAS in 2021. Since then, the iLearn team has been a constant source of support and guidance. I am always a fan of the personal mentorship programme that they have provided throughout, be it for prelims, mains or interviews. Thank you iLearn for making this journey amazing and exciting. The memories here are forever."