
Privacy Policy

We at www.ilearnias.com are committed to protect the privacy of our visitors and handle all information with great responsibility. We believe it is important for you to understand what information we collect from you, how it is used and who will have access to that information. Please note that this privacy policy applies to all products from iLearn IAS, including our website www.ilearnias.com, www.ilearnias.in and our mobile android app ‘iLearn IAS’, unless specified separately.

  1. Type of information we collect, if any

    We do not collect or retain any personal information unless you choose to provide it to us. When you visit our website (www.ilearnias.com), it collects and stores non-personally identifiable information such as: the name of the domain or IP address from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access our website, the browser version used, the device type (laptop or mobile) etc.

    We use this information to track the number of visitors to the different pages of our Site as well as make our Site more convenient to users. If you subscribe this website, contact us, submit ideas to us, we collect the information that you provide, which may include name, email address, postal address or telephone number.

    We are committed to take steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. If you have any questions now or during your visit, please contact us.

  2. Collection and Use of Personal Information

    We don’t normally collect any personally identifiable information from our visitors. But if you subscribe by email, obviously your email id will be there is our database. Your personal information is used to provide the services you request and to enhance this web site. We may share customer information with third parties to perform services on your behalf (Eg: Google, Facebook etc), but ensure that any personally identifiable information are not misused.

    At times other companies may be hired to provide limited services on our behalf, such as handling the processing and delivery of mailings. We will only provide those companies with the personal information they need to deliver the service. They are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information and are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

  3. Third Party data collection

    Third parties may be placing and reading cookies on our users’ browsers, or using web beacons to collect information as a result of ad serving on this website.

  4. To Further Protect Your Privacy

    While exploring this web site, please be aware that third-party Internet sites and third-party services accessible through this web site have separate privacy and data collection policies and practices. These policies and practices are independent of and may be different from the policies and practices for this web site. We are not responsible or liable for these independent policies and practices and it is your responsibility to review them and decide whether or not they satisfactorily protect your rights.

  5. Changes to This Policy

    We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, and when such a change is made we will post a revised version on this web site. Changes will be effective when they are posted. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to be aware of any such changes. Your continued use of the web site indicates your agreement to any such changes.

  6. Permissions that we require

    iLearn IAS app for Android requires following permissions to perform normally on your device

    1.SMS – Primary to read and Verify OTP SMS for iLearn IAS signup and registration process.

    2.Photos/Media/Files & Storage Access – We only read and access various files stored by iLearn IAS app on your device to keep the performance optimized.

    3.Other Permissions such as: Receive data from Internet, full network access, view network connections — We use these services to give our users best possible experience on iLearn IAS and improve our services from time to time.

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